rach's research library
Time inspirations
Syntax inspirations
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- I appreciate the use of stop motion, it is used very smoothly to make it seem like the paper is growing and moving without seeming choppy. Makes the video look kind of magical
-I like the idea of the coffee being made out of string. idea
idea- using onjects to represent something other than themselves
- aura of the video is cute and magical. (maybe because of the use of colours and the simplicity of the concept)
- the sound has no music, just sound effects, I think this is effective at making the video feel calming
- I lilke the vlog style format of the video
- It's the things he tals about that give the video an artistic feeling
- the way he describes everyday things changes the aura of the way you look at the world
- Idea - how a different perspective changes it's aura
- "How would your mindset be different if you knew this way your very last day.I think that I woudl just love everything"
- talks about being aware of your surroundings and your presence in this earth - idea
- first scene everything is black and white besides the girl (not through editing but through the actual surroundings) - gives everything a cold aura
- uses of coloured frames - contrasts to the dullness of everything else
- has an aura of dullness and boringness
- I like the contrast of this against the previous video, how this persepective of life is dull and boring in comparison to the exciting and hopeful one of the other video
- comments on the use of technology in our everyday lives as being something that now seems like one of our necessities for living - idea in the maslow's heirarche of needs
- slightly unsettling aura
- use of noise is minimal, emphasizing the dullness of the video making it seem like this action of eating your phone an everyday happening
- typical viewing of the idea of aura
- I find it intereting how they dictate personality traits and likes to a persons colour aura
- the traits seem very cliche
- idea - over emphaising this idea to the extreme
- having someones colour as their only personality trait
- idea - time relating to existentialism
- idea - items being something they are not or a play on what is happening in contrast of what should be happening when something is done
- humans are constantly the same and different from what they are now and what they were before
- comments on the use of technology in our everyday lives as being something that now seems like one of our necessities for living - idea in the maslow's heirarche of needs
- slightly unsettling aura
- use of noise is minimal, emphasizing the dullness of the video making it seem like this action of eating your phone an everyday happening
- looks at time as a progression of pictures
- if there are no concessions of pictures there is no change and therefore no time
- fights against the idea that change passes if not happens. - change is eveidnce of things changing and without that change we can not prove that time exists
- idea - looking at time as a succession of pictures and time as change
- time looked at as a comparrison of one things to another, yet not existing on the same field. just ajdusted to look as if it is (idea of aligning clocks)
- clip from an exhibition
- played 3 videos on separate screens of the same video but with slight delays on each video from one another.
- idea - time is passing the same but time is not passing at the same time
- idea - interesting way of using installation in art
- all the clips have animals in setting that humans would exist in - brings environmentalism into the piece - multiple ideas in a work
- video about time not in an existential sense, but rather in the timing of sounds and movements in relation to one another
- idea - looking at performance as just the timing of movements or sounds in unison to another source
- idea - looking at time as a history of things that had happened (draws into the idea of time being a progression of things changing from one thing to another )
- could look at the time in art historical movements
What is syntax in video?
- the way a video is put together (order of scenes, images, ideas)
- way things are strung together to create their idea
- idea - how if you change the way something is put together you can change the meaning
- asks questions about what is real and what isn't real when looking into context of animations
- in the video the figure has no face which is something that gives individualism to a person. An idea i drew from this is that, if you take away someones face are they still real and what can be considered real and unreal
- idea - mashing of animation and real life, and the sorting of images, how can you tell what is real and not real and what makes something that is not real not real when it exists as something itself
- creates a sensory overload in a vide with so much going on that it becomes confusing and hard to follow as well as overwhelming
- depicts a night in small fragments mashed together
- idea - syntax in memories and missing memories, as well as rearrangement of memories (visualised by clips of footage) that can create a completely different context to something that has happened
- I appreciate the use of stop motion, it is used very smoothly to make it seem like the paper is growing and moving without seeming choppy. Makes the video look kind of magical
-I like the idea of the coffee being made out of string. idea
idea- using onjects to represent something other than themselves
- aura of the video is cute and magical. (maybe because of the use of colours and the simplicity of the concept)
- the sound has no music, just sound effects, I think this is effective at making the video feel calming
What is time?